On Creativity

It will pass soon.' This can allow you to re-evaluate your situation from a healthier perspective. The overall message of this Gita is a Guru (Ashtavakra) asking his disciple (the King) to try to understand a very basic question: What are you seeking? The true Masculine man lives all three …

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Refusing The Self-reference

His defence mechanism was to switch off his emotions to cope with his experience of family breakdown when he was a child, so the challenge was for him to learn to feel all his feelings and yet still be driven and feel like himself. More common is polypharmacy, where a …

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Helplessly Hoping

If you are wondering how those super-employees do it, the answer is simple. Whether it's because of overpopulation, pollution, technology, unhealthy lifestyles, or a case of having too much to handle, the stress levels of urbanites jump off the charts. And then we see that the same sensation and coping …

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How To Develop Emotional Intelligense

The model describes five stages that hold true for many behaviors, from smoking to eating Frito-Lays and guacamole at 3:00 a. Ioannidis and his team--and others--have shown, again and again, and in many different ways, that much of what biomedical researchers conclude in published studies--conclusions that are used when …

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When Energy Is Unbalanced Or Blocked

You deserve to have the happy life that you have always dreamed of. Something made me look to the right, and instead of seeing the grimy, shadow-filled concrete wall I expected to see, I saw a mountain trail beckoning. Practices can also agree to provide enhanced services in order to …

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The Agreement Approach

Priming can be used to help us elicit positive feelings around certain stimuli. When we are very busy or unmotivated, we primarily attend to and encode in memory information that fits our currently activated schemas. Teacher (or counselor) and student should evaluate the workspace without judgment or reprimand, and (using …

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And So Many Dreams That Don't Come True

Although this may not be a specific component of emotional intelligence itself, this is a concept that underlies all of emotional intelligence because it is necessary for using emotional intelligence skills. Today, practitioners can use an infrared heat lamp instead of moxa, and they often use hot or cold packs …

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A Poor Eating Schedule

As tempting as it can be to buy shelving units, storage boxes, folders and binders, new labels, coloured pens - whatever it is that you have your eye on to help get your stuff 'in order' - don't make that purchase! It's about trying to reframe these basic survival moments as times …

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How To Meditate

About 80 percent of the pathways bring information from the body up to the brain (afferent)--millions of bits of information every millisecond, telling the brain what is going on inside the body. And of course it has to make an impact, otherwise you will keep repeating the old: How …

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The Laziest Programmer

She lost her passion and could no longer find her once so resolute motivation. + Most of us frown on adults marrying teens, eat delicious donuts instead of nutritious grubs, and, for the most part, are not interested in having ten children and do what we must to keep those numbers …

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Coping With Conventionality

He embodied the idea of not compromising one's core values for anything--he refused to change his mind about anything, no matter what anyone else said to him. Finally, after completing big tasks, learning something new, or finishing up a meeting: The trainers could never be certain of their income, and …

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What Do You Look Like .

Once those thoughts get to the universe, they start to bring a similar situation in their lives like the thought they have sent to the universe. This forms a neurological connection between the emotional state and stimulus. John and I were traveling together, creating a movie/documentary (In Search of …

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We All Choose To Be Mad

Also, a 2005 Newsweek article on the greatest discoveries of all time gave top ranking to Einstein's theory of relativity, Darwin's theory of natural selection, and Freud's theory of the unconscious mind. What Every Woman Should Know about Her Fertility and Her Biological Clock (Birrittieri), 243 The situation in the …

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Identify Yourself

The six or seven elders were flawed teachers, and I a flawed student, but some days the wisdom sinks in. Their children may repeatedly tell them to put in brighter lightbulbs and to get outside more, but it's a difficult sell. When you use the techniques and suggested responses provided …

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