Identify Yourself

The six or seven elders were flawed teachers, and I a flawed student, but some days the wisdom sinks in. Their children may repeatedly tell them to put in brighter lightbulbs and to get outside more, but it's a difficult sell. When you use the techniques and suggested responses provided …

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Our Church Involvement

While my daughter was still young and physically tiny enough to be considered a cute novelty by adults and peers, playdates often ended with her hiding somewhere in the child's house, or with embarrassing mommy exchanges. Or move and settle into your new position mindfully. When you get involved in …

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Common Responses To Disagreement

But as soon as we're handling anything that isn't either entirely routine or utterly riveting--most of normal working life, in other words--we don't have the mental flexibility to perform at our best when we're tired. This week, start avoiding DAIRY and COFFEE in your diet, and start adding PROBIOTIC DRINKS …

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The Strength Approach

If the newcomers weren't willing to wash their own gear, we wondered whether they would take responsibility for what they had to do on court. When we are afraid, we become less creative, less collaborative, and less capable of perseverance. The subject perceives something unusual, which is nonetheless real and …

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